Right-Of-Ways abutters protect yourself from herbicide application by Eversource
Just today we saw herbicide being applied in the town of Dennis at around 4:30PM.

The greatest mistake is for us to do nothing!
Report what you see to your Town Health Dept and also topoccacapecod@gmail.com.
We continue to educate the state, MDAR and Eversource, yet they spray above our aquifer.

Why can’t we have electricity without poisoning our drinking water?
Are we going to allow corporate behavior to
undermine the web of life on Cape Cod?
Our health, our environment and our finances are at stake. Get involved. You live here.
On the list for 2017 YOP starting October 1st to December 31st 2017:
Barnstable, Bourne, Chatham,
Dennis, Harwich, Orleans and Sandwich,
along with Edgartown, Oak Bluffs and
Tisbury on Martha’s Vineyard.
~ Protect your loved ones ~
1. Close all windows in homes and cars from October 1st to December 31st.
2. Relocate sensitive persons keep kids & pets off
of power lines until after many strong rains. Track runners find another route until Springtime.
3. Leave shoes outside for they will bring in chemical toxins
that linger in your carpets & rugs for years bringing low dose
toxic exposure to your pets & family.
4. Bring in all toys and furniture prior to
spraying and store inside.
5. Do not grow any edible foods on or near power lines.
6. Stake your well. NO spraying is allowed within 50 feet of your private well.
7. Remove trees and shrubs prior to spraying
and ask your neighbors also.

As an abutter you have the ability to help stop more herbicide use along ROW
1 - Are you an abutter to the Rights-of-way
power lines on Cape Cod or MV? 2 - Do you have an easement with Eversource on the deed to your land? 3 - What does the easement read regarding vegetation management? 4 - Please scan your easement and send it to: poccacapecod@gmail.com 5 - Call Eversource 1.800.592.2000, ask to be exempt from herbicidal application. 6 - Would you like to go to court to stop this? The POCCA team has an attorney willing to do this for FREE but there are filing fees and mailing costs to explain. 7 - The POCCA team has taken Eversource to superior court on behalf off our abutters and were successful in receiving an exemption.
We will work with you every step of the way. Start by sending your easement, thank you.

WILL YOU JOIN THE MISSION? How do you affect drinking water here? Do all you can to help by choosing to be non toxic inside and outside of your body and home, always recycle 100% or it will sit in a landfill somewhere, and vote with your dollar to support local businesses here.
It is up to you to join the mission, then cumulatively we will truly make a big difference. Make wise choices daily for a better future. THANK YOU for making a conscious choice to not purchase anything that will harm our drinking water.
Please share this with your loved ones,
and sign up for our newsletter to POCCA updates!