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History of POCCA

POCCA was founded in July 2013 in response to growing concerns about water quality on Cape Cod. The Cape Cod Commission’s Regional Wastewater Management Plan points out that all the towns of Cape Cod share a water table, and many of the Cape’s watersheds straddle more than one town. In other words, waste-water and drinking water problems are a Cape-wide issue, not an issue each town can solve on its own. Several local towns experienced voter rejection of well-planned water infrastructure projects which were deemed unaffordable at the municipal level. We have to work together on a regional level to solve these problems.

POCCA was formed to help disseminate information and help educate the public about the growing problems and possible solutions regarding water management, as well as lobby for tighter controls over pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer use on Cape Cod.

POCCA was started by a group of environmentally conscious and caring Cape residents in order to focus on the protection of our water supply. We are in league with other local, state-wide and national environmental groups and we are all concerned about protecting our precious natural land and water here on the Cape and in the state of Massachusetts, nation-wide and finally, world-wide.

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