If Eversource has an easement for
a right of way on your property. . .
If your Eversource has power lines running along a right of way on your property, take a look at your Deed and check the language in the easement -- usually only a paragraph or two. Many of these easements are decades old.
There generally is one sentence giving Eversource (or Boston Edison or a prior provider) the right to manage vegetation along their right of way. Many of these easements specify mechanical means of vegetation control only (cutting, pruning) but do not specifically mention spraying herbicides.
Your easement could be very helpful to us.
If you could make a copy and either mail it to
POCCA, PO Box 17, North Eastham, MA 02651
Or scan it and email it to poccapecod@gmail.com, that would be great!
Thank you in advance.