The POCCA Team
Laura Kelley, President
An 11th generation Cape Codder, Laura is the founder of POCCA.
She owns and operates a sustainable landscape design company, Littlefield Landscapes, specializing in timeless designs that incorporate native plants and stone work. Her passion is protecting our water supply in Cape Cod by shifting her clients from conventional to non-toxic landscape maintenance, educating the public in cost effective ways to lessen our impact above our sole source aquifer, and working with local and State elected officials to change laws and regulations to protect the land we love. Laura also is a honeybee keeper and grows her own seasonal food. She enjoys swimming in and boating on the fresh and salt waters of Cape Cod and just wants to drink water here. We are fortunate to have our drinkable water so close, why not protect it more?
C Whiting Rice, Lead Consultant
Lives in Wretham and owns property in East Orleans on Nauset Beach.
Whiting studied extensively in areas including civil engineering land use policy environmental issues dealing with waste and storm water.
Municipal service includes planning board, zoning board, various building committees and board of selectmen have given courses on conducting error free public hearings for MMA. He has consulted for a number of law firms on aspects of land use laws, regulations and storm water BMP's. He gives presentations with Laura at town meetings and state board meetings.
James Hild, Consultant
Jim was POCCA's last Board Clerk, currently organizational advisor on POCCA's advisory council. Jim has been associated with POCCA for more than since it's inception. He promotes and educate residents, businesses and public agencies of Cape Cod how to keep our drinking water safe by eliminating the use of hazardous chemicals in our environment. He is the president of the UU church in Brewster in 2019, enjoys long walks and his new cat.
Coleen Curley, team member
Coleen is a permaculture designer and ecological landscaper.
She grew up on the outer cape and opened and operated a jewelry store in P-town for 16 years. She holds a B.A. with honors from the University of Massachusetts and a Masters in Ecological Landscape Design and Planning from The Conway School. She holds certificates in permaculture, sustainable food and farming, and filmmaking. She has a wide range of interests that include ecology, meadow restoration, edible landscapes, eco-villages, community food systems, and integrated holistic design. She is passionate about protecting our water resources and creating low maintenance environments that provide multiple benefits for both humans and animals.
Jim Garb, Consultant
Jim is a physician specializing in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He serves as a scientific and general advisor to POCCA,
and has conducted a nationwide search to find a prominent eco-toxicologist to serve as an expert witness in legal proceedings. He also writes documents for POCCA when he can.
Kim Kettler, Development Director
Kim came to Provincetown in April of 1980, falling in love with the landscape and the light, and the rest is history. A lifelong artist, organic gardener, restaurant owner, and novice beekeeper, Kim values the health of the environment upon which all life depends. She was an early member of the Board of Trustees for the Provincetown Conservation Trust (where she remains a Board Member Emeritus). More recently, she participated in the Silent Spring Institute’s comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of the Cape aquifer in their groundbreaking report Emerging Contaminants in Cape Cod Private Wells. As Board President of Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill, Kim led the successful $2.8million Capital Campaign to acquire and preserve Edgewood Farm in partnership with the Truro Conservation Trust. Earning a Graduate Certificate of Nonprofit Management from Harvard, she was Development Advisor at both The Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Kennedy School of Government, and the Vos Foundation of Virginia. She believes POCCA is an essential voice in environmental education and advocacy on Cape Cod.
Rachel Frederickson, volunteer
Local Cape Codder and member of Wampanoag tribe who cares for the environment. This team member volunteers her time at POCCA events to help to educate the public about preserving our rare sole source aquifer. Rachel also helps edit videos for the POCCA youtube channel and is a great help with research for information. She loves writing songs, playing her guitar and going to our beaches.