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Pesticide Home Rule Petition

Request your town add the same Pesticide Home Rule Petition onto your town meeting Warrant in 2024 and 2025 

to help reduce pesticides Cape-wide!

We all live above the same aquifer, after all.

Orleans citizens passed the Pesticide Reduction Home Rule Petition by 68% in October 2023 !

Please bring the above petition article to your Select Board with the request it be added onto the town Warrant to allow citizens to vote on it in 2024 and 2025. Having other Cape Cod towns join this mission makes the message stronger at The State House where it will become a Bill then go through committees to be signed, then ultimately to our Governor Healey to sign into law.
It is the start of reducing pesticides Cape-wide. Thank you for caring to help this mission!


passed the same petition !!!


Help REDUCE Pesticides Cape-wide

Be in support of a reduction in outdoor pesticide use throughout Cape Cod because since we live 25 feet above where we drink water from, we swim in ponds and we eat from the salt waters that surround us here. The biggest problem I have with outdoor pesticides is, they move in our environment: air, soil and water. Scientists say an average of a foot a day.  So, if my neighbor uses them, I am exposed to them and that is completely unfair.


“People have a right to NOT be exposed to pesticides used on other peoples’ properties.

Ponds have a right to NOT be exposed to pesticides used on other peoples’ properties. 

Bees have a right to NOT be exposed to pesticides used on other people’s properties.” 

~ Laura Kelley


The exposure (of pesticides) to children and seniors should be limited as much as possible. Pesticides move from the application site. They do not stay put after application and can be transported over long distances fairly rapidly through wind and rain. Dose, as well as frequency, duration of exposure, sequence and timing are all factors in how a pesticide exposure may impact someone. Exposure to multiple pesticide ingredients or other toxic chemicals can change the way we are affected by them. Multiple exposures can have a magnified effect greater than the individual chemical effects when added together. This is called a synergistic effect or synergistic toxicity. 


Pesticides harm health. A growing body of scientific literature shows that pesticide exposure can adversely affect endocrine, neurological, immune, and respiratory systems in humans even at very low levels. Pesticides is a substance used for DESTROYING insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals. It is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.


Problems with pesticides are they also contaminate our food, drinking water, harm pollinators and threaten our ecosystems.

Get your town involved, we can help!

Very excited to work closely with you and get a Pesticide Reduction Home Rule Petition (HRP) 

on your town meeting Warrant for your town citizens to vote what they want for their town.


The hard work is already done, the writing of the petitions.

As you heard, Orleans, Eastham and Wellfleet towns passed the Pesticide HRP already!!!


We placed years worth of work together for other towns to gather information from:

FAQ's, support letters, studies, test, videos of meetings, hand-outs, presentations, etc:

 TO SEE ALL INFORMATION please go to the link below:


Orleans town website:



Pesticide Home Rule Petition 2023




please sign the citizens petition below, no matter where you live world-wide:



In 2018, Request your town VOLUNTEER to not use Glyphosate products on town-owned land today!  

The POCCA team gave presentations to 20 towns in one year and 15 towns did the request below.
Please see the language in the documents and use them in your town!

To help, please email your town Select Board and Health Board with the documents below.

Request they VOLUNTEER to not use any Glyphosate products on any land the town owns, like, schools, parks, walkways, ball fields, parking lots, windmills, greens, police and fire stations, libraries, town hall properties, along bike trails, at beaches, etc


It is up to us to request our own town governments do the right thing to protect children at play.


Thank you for your help with this very important issue.  


There is much evidence that Glyphosate is harmful to people and our environment. 

See below for more or google for updated studies on Glyphosate and share information with others to help educate them.  Glyphosate is legal but that doesn't mean it is good for us.

1 - The ten steps for a town board to take
2 - Template for Towns to follow
3 - Poster showing contamination
4 - Science & Harm
5 - Alternatives for glyphosate
6 - MASS. towns who restricted Glyphosate
7 - Understanding & managing glyphosate in MASS.
Dr. Stephan Frantz and Laura Kelley wrote all the documents above for towns in Massachusetts. 
~ Photo taken at The NOFA Conference (Northeastern Organic Farmers Association) at Worchester State University on January 12, 2020, where they both gave presentations to the public about the harm Glyphosate brings to soil, water, air and all living creatures on Earth.
Steph & me.jpg
Laura Kelley's presentation about Glyphosate at Worchester State University on Jan. 12, 2020.  
How to eliminate Glyphosate use on land your town owns:
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