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What's all the BUZZ about?🐝

🐝 What's the BUZZ about? 🐝

As summer sizzles, there is much we can do to protect the land we all love, Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard ~ lets help our native pollinators by never purchasing anything toxic inside or outside of our homes or bodies, okay? Your choices matter in nature!


Plant anything that flowers to help feed our native pollinators :) Have you seen many native pollinators buzzing around your yard lately? Without them we wouldn't have fruits or vegetables or nuts ~ Pollinators are not in our food chain but they are connected to everything that is. It is predicted that humans would only have 5 years to live IF honeybees don't survive, that's how important they are. Unfortunately, bees are not comfortable on Earth with all the chemicals allowed the last 30 years or more and in 2007 world-wide Honeybee deaths were so big this historic epidemic we are living in was given a name, the Colony Collapse Disorder. Check into it more if you wish. We can do more to protect them every given day ~

On January 11th 2017 Bees were added to the endangered species list: Scientific American: U.S. Lists a Bumble Bee Species as Endangered for First Time ~ NO BEES, NO FOOD ~ On Thursday July 20th at 6pm at

Brewster First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church,

Laura Kelley will be speaking about Honeybees, their importance and how to become a back yard beekeeper. Giving a slide show of up close photos, you'll be able to see inside a hive and you'll be sure to fall in love with these unique little fuzzy beings after this discussion! RSVP to the Event on Facebook!

~ HOW TO HELP HONEYBEES ~ Look for a more organic and chemical free approach to outdoor land care, pet care and people care :) 1 - Never purchase any seeds with a coating on them, it is most likely Neonicotinoids which coat nearly 90% of corn seeds. Just one kernel of corn can kill as many as 80,000 Honeybees. Neonics travel systemically through the plants & kill insects

that eat their leaves and roots. Neonics are in the pollen that bees forage so bees are dying at huge rates. 2 - Honeybees are showing tests of up to 35 different chemicals in their systems, and so are we. Do you know 93% of Americans tested positive for Glyphosate? Children have the highest levels. 3 - Pyrethroid insecticides used to kill mosquitoes and gypsy moths contribute to bee die-offs as well. Never use them. 4 - Many pesticides are water-soluable.

DEET is fat-soluable and is ending up in pollen. Never use DEET.

Become a back yard BeeKeeper! It's easier than you think and so much fun! Join the Barnstable County Beekeepers Association! It's takes only about an hour a week to check on them. After you set up their hive, they do all the work. Visit Barnstable County BeeKeepers Association and see how fun it is to keep bees. HONEYBEES NEED US NOW! Remember NO BEES, means NO FOOD. We are fortunate Honeybees are here. They have traveled through time pollinating plants keeping animals and plants alive for centuries. It isn't until now that Honeybee existence is threatened due to human impact. ~The choices you make every day matter in nature ~ THANK YOU for doing all you can to feed and protect Honeybees. Supporting the two bills below will really help honeybees on Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard


The two bills listed below are written by Senator Julian Cyr, we thank him:

  • This legislation would require the vegetation management proposer to negotiate with any community that did not want to use chemicals for vegetation management within their community. If the entity seeking to control the vegetation and the municipality are unable to come to an agreement within 60 days of discussions beginning, the disputes shall be decided by a mutually-agreed upon arbitrator. Should a reasonal no-spray agreement be offered to a municipality and an agreement is not reached within 90 days, the entity seeking to control the vegetation may apply its choice of pesticides/herbicides.

  • When the pesticide advisory board holds an adjudacatory hearing on pesticide contamination of drinking water, and reaches a decision, the commissioner of the Department of Public Heatlh and the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection must concur with that decision.

These bills have been referred to the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture. A public hearing has not yet been scheduled. If anyone is interested in submitting written testimony in support of the bill, that can be sent directly to the committee chairs at any time, up until the bill is reported out of committee. The correct addresses for committee chairs can be found here: Please CLICK HERE for a testimony template!

Join us, there is much to celebrate!!! ~ RAIN DATE ~ On July 13th at the Truro Vineyards our POCCA event

was cancelled due to rainy weather The rain date for this is August 31st at 6pm to 9pm

with The Dirty Water Dance Band See event on FB and join the celebration of

our drinking water with outside dancing! RSVP on FACEBOOK HERE!

Yarmouth Cultural Center September 24th Sunday 2 to 5pm ~

our next POCCA gathering is a public pot luck meeting

with quiet music and a silent auction. This is a time for discussion for people to open up with questions and concerns and updates on water rules for Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard. More updates on that to come...

WILL YOU JOIN THE MISSION? How do you affect drinking water here? Do all you can to help by choosing to be non toxic inside and outside of your body and home, always recycle 100% or it will sit in a landfill somewhere, and vote with your dollar to support local businesses here. It is up to you to join the mission,

then cumulatively we will truly make a big difference.

Make wise choices daily for our future. THANK YOU for making a conscious choice to not purchase anything that will harm honeybees or our drinking water.

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POCCA Cape Cod received The Cape and Islands Democratic Award

on April 27, 2019 for best activist of the year !!!

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We can't do all we do without your financial support,
and we wish to do much more. 

POCCA in National News on June 17, 2019 about helping Cape Cod:

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